About Regency Silver Corp.
High Grade Gold, Copper and Silver In Mexico
- Regency Silver Corp is a Mexico focused gold-copper-silver exploration company.
- The Company’s flagship property is its wholly owned high grade Dios Padre gold-copper-silver Project in Sonora, Mexico.
- In 2022 Regency made a major gold-copper-silver discovery at Dios Padre.
- Hole REG 22-01, the initial drill hole beneath an Induced Polarization (IP) anomaly intercepted:
- 6.84 g/t gold and 0.88% copper and 21.8 g/t silver over 36m at 420m depth down hole including
- 13.97 g/t gold and 1.11% Cu and 50.25 g/t Ag over 9.8m starting at 460.5m down hole.
- Follow-up drilling by Regency in 2023 expanded the gold-copper-silver discovery zone. Drill results have included significant gold and copper grades of 54.65m of 5.34 g/t Au including 7.36 g/t Au over 38m in hole REG 23-21, 29.4m of 6.32 g/t Au in hole REG 23-14 and 32.5m of 2.23 g/t Au in hole REG 23-15.
- 2022 drilling near the old Dios Padre silver mine workings intercepted grades as high as:
- 582.47 g/t silver over 3.9m from 21.1m to 25m depth in hole RDP 22-5,
- 558.30 g/t silver over 5.85m from 38.15m to 44m in hole RDP 22-6 and
- 420.23 g/t silver over 3.10m in hole RDP 22-9 .
- 98 g/t silver over 37.4m in hole REG-22-12 and
- 1.34 g/t gold over 17.9m in hole REG-22-04
- An updated NI 43-101 report dated March 2, 2023 estimates an inferred resource of 11.375 million AgEq ounces (94% Ag) at an average grade of 255.64 g/t AgEq. Drilling on the property has returned numerous high grade intercepts with sizeable width. Intercepts include:
- Hole FMR 12-06 with 1.9 meters of 3220 g/t silver inside an intercept of 32.5 meters of 408 g/t silver
- Hole FMR 17-06 with 5.2 meters of 1145 g/t silver
- Hole RDP 18-12 with 12.4 meters of 558 g/t silver
- Hole FMR 15-06 with 28.8 meters of 467.8 g/t silver
New Gold-Copper-Silver Discovery
- The mineralized breccia zone now has a confirmed strike extent of at least 180m and depth extent of at least 150m, and the breccia remains open both along strike and at depth .
- The shape and orientation of the breccia zone is now understood; trending NW-SE and dipping ~60˚ to the NE. The orientation of the breccia is unrelated to the orientation of the Quartz-feldspar porphyry (QFP) .
- High grade Au mineralization is hosted within the larger pyrite-specularite breccia body. More Au-rich zones appear to be associated with areas of increased pyrite.
- High grade Au at this stage appears to be concentrated in the shallower (upper) portions of the breccia.
- The SE portion of the breccia body is trending upwards towards similar Au-Ag rich breccias encountered in shallow drilling at the Dios Padre mine site (REG-22-04 – 17.9m of 1.34 g/t Au. See news release of October 14, 2022). This suggests that similar high-grade sections as those in REG-22-01, REG-23-14 and REG-23-21 may exist at shallower levels as we approach the historic mine site, potentially transitioning to more of an Au-Ag assemblage.
- The breccia zone as well as the high-grade upper portion both are open along strike and at depth.
- Copper mineralization is more intimately associated with the QFP unit. Where the breccia and the QFP intersect, more Au-Cu mineralization is present although Cu mineralization is a later event which overprints the earlier Au mineralization.
- Cu and associated low-grade Au mineralization appears to be increasing with depth within the QFP unit, indicating a vector towards a higher-grade Cu core within the QFP at depth.
- REG-23-22 targeted the strongest IP (Chargeability) anomaly indicated by the 2023 survey. The hole intersected zones of significant pyrite, alunite, and sericite alteration, however, did not intersect and significant Au, Ag or Cu mineralization. The sulphide and broad alteration are clearly associated with the main hydrothermal system and provide important information on metal endowment variance with distance from the primary mineralized corridors.
The newly discovered lower breccia Au-Cu zones are clearly part of a long lived, multi-phase magmatic hydrothermal Au-Cu-Ag event in the district. The current hypothesis is that this system is part of the late Cretaceous to early Paleogene Laramide magmatic arc and associated porphyry Cu-Au deposits that span from New Mexico southwards into Sinaloa, Mexico (e.g. Buenavista del Cobre, La Caridad).
Samples from the Cu-Au mineralized K-spar megacrystic QFP have been submitted for geochronological analysis to determine its age and confirm its association with this magmatic suite. The presence of a Laramide age Cu-Au porphyry system would be new to the Dios Padre region of Sonora and has property-scale, as well as regional-scale implications on the prospectivity of the district. Dios Padre has all the indications of the presence of a significant hydrothermal system including widespread alunite-sericite alteration, extensive specularite-pyrite halos around Au-Cu mineralization, large, well-developed, multi-phase breccias as well as Cu-Au mineralized porphyritic intrusive rocks.
The current hypothesis is that the Dios Padre silver mine and the lower Au breccia represent the thermal transition from a cooler Ag dominant upper assemblage to a warmer Au-Cu domain as the system approaches the magmatic source. The current complex is believed to represent a hypogene, high-sulphidation Au-Ag-Cu system proximal to the Cu-Au porphyry source likely to exist at depth at the northern part of the property.

Pipeline of New Projects
- The El Tablon Claim is located in the State of Durango, Mexico. The property covers a total of 7,200 hectares and contains numerous artisanal workings and tunnels, which explored many of the veins and veinlets that exist within the concession area.
- The El Tablon Claim is located within the Sierra Madre Occidental prolific gold-silver belt only 16 miles from the historical Tayoltita (San Dimas district), which has historically produced more than 11 million ounces of gold and 582 million ounces of silver and which continues to be active with significant mineral resources. 1
- The El Tablon Claim is in a similar geological environment, characterized by the presence of productive rocks of the Lower Volcanic Complex, to which subvolcanic felsic rock bodies with stockworks and gold dissemination are found. In addition, the canyons around El Tablon expose many other mineralized zones, and works can be found in the neighboring mines of the Ventanas, Mala Noche, and San Cayetano projects.
- A Mexican Council on Natural Resources (CRM) (the precursor to the Mexican Geological Service) report from 2012 indicates the presence of 7 veins and breccias in a short space of land, which reported silver grades up to 1,402 g/t, lead up to 2.097%, copper up to 1.381%, and gold up to 1.00 g/t. One of the samples exceeded 10,000 g/t of silver. The El Tablon Claim has potential both for high grade silver veins and bulk mineable high volume-low grade polymetallic mineralization. 2
- Management has worked in Mexico for the last 18 years and has extensive knowledge of the mineralogy of Mexico and contacts in the Mexican mining community. Regency will be constantly assessing new opportunities with a focus on the prolific Sierra Madre Occidental region.
- 1 Source: https://www.firstmajestic.com/projects/producing-mines/san-dimas/
- 2 Source: Servicio Geologico Mexicano, Chairez B.J. Velazquez H.J., 2012 Estudio de Asesoria Geologica del Lote Minero La Fortuna, San Dimas, Durango.